Modernity, Globalization and Identity
Enough has already been said and written about modernity, globalization and Identity. What, however, distinguishes the book is its reflexivity – the politico-ethical questions it raises, and way it makes us confront our own ambiguities and life-experiences. It uses contemporary sociological literature, negotiates with diverse sources of creative imagination, and remains immensely sensitive to the specificity of our own social reality: the trajectory of Indian modernity, the dynamics of cultural memory and globalization, and the dialectic of identity politics. With its argumentative style, it pleads for a humane/reflexive modernity, narrates the possibility of a profound art, a resistance against asymmetrical globalization, and strives for a more open and dialogic society that inspires one to overcome segmented identities. Here is a book that needs to be read by sociologists, social activists and all those who celebrate criticality and reflexivity.