Author by : Leo Panitch
Aakar Books 2010
Language: English
240 Pages
Price INR 350.0 Price USD 17.5
Intellectually and politically engaging,Renewing Socialismexamines the failures of socialism in the twentieth century and explores the nature of global capitalism, offering a vision of a reinvigorated socialism to ambitiously counter the current debilitating pessimism. While democracy and equality remain the goals of socialism, new conditions require imaginative new strategies. Panitch stresses the need for re-founding, reorganizing and re-democratizing labour movements and calls for a change of focus from the accumulation of capital to the accumulation of capacities: political, economic, social, environmental and human. This new edition includes an interview with the author in which he discusses: the impact of American imperialism on left strategies worldwide; what common interests work for solidarity andagainstdivisions of race, gender and class; whether, as green parties turn towards market socialism, there is space left for a red-green anti-capitalist coalition; if new socialist parties can avoid the mistakes of communist and social democratic parties in the twentieth century. Leo Panitchis the co-editor of The Socialist Register and the author of many books, including Global Capitalism and American Empire,The End of Parliamentary Socialism, Working Class Politics inCrisisandSocial Democracy and Industrial Militancy. He is Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at York University, Toronto.