Author by : Social Social
Tulika Books 2013
Language: English
288 Pages
Price INR 400.0 Price USD 20.0
Social Scientist completed forty years of publication in the year 2012. To mark the occasion, collections of essays on specific topics, culled from past issues of the journal, are being published – under a series titled 'From the Pages of Social Scientist'. The present volume, Tributes, is a collection of obituary articles published in the journal over the last thirty years, from 1983 to 2013. For reasons that are not very clear, Social Scientist published no obituaries until 1983, that is, for the first eleven years of its existence. And even after it started publishing obituaries, it was not systematic in paying tribute to all those who deserved homage – for several reasons. Sometimes those entrusted with the task of writing the obituary could not submit it in time; sometimes the lags in publication of the journal were such that an obituary seemed pointless as it would appear too long after the death of the person being remembered; sometimes there simply was nobody who could be successfully approached to write an obituary; and sometimes the person being remembered was too important a figure on the Left for a potential writer to feel equal to the task.