Status of Adivasis/Indigenous Peoples Land Series – 8: Rajasthan

Status of Adivasis

Author by : Ginny Srivastava , Mangi Lal Gurjar , Archana Sharma , Bhanwar Singh Chadana

Aakar Books 2014

Language: English

120 Pages

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Price INR 225.0 Price USD 15.0

About the Book

Rajasthan has seen revolts and rebellions by the Adivasis, particularly the Bhils, against British intrusions and interference with their traditions. Later the new set of local exploiters was targeted. With liberalisation, the assault on the land and natural resources increased. The resistance, local and national, was launched. These struggles have also seen some successes, for instance with the enactment of the Forest Rights Act at the national level and small local victories. The challenge is how to make the governments abide by the laws that they have enacted in favour of tribals. Bhanwar Singh chandana, Mangi Lal Gurjar, Ginny Shrivastava and Archana Sharma are activit with ASTHA, a non-government organisation located at Udaipur in Rajasthan. They are actively involved with Jal Jangal Jameen Andolan. Other Reports in the Series Gujarat Orissa Maharashtra Jharkhand Assam Nagaland Andhra Pradesh

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