Aakar Books 2014
Language: English
447 Pages
Price INR 695.0 Price USD 34.75
very usefully pulls the key passages from Gramsci’s writings into one volume, which allows English-language readers an overall view of his work. Particularly valuable are the connections it draws across his work and the insights which the introduction and glossary provide into the origin and development of some key Gramscian concepts.’- Stuart Hall The most complete one-volume collection of writings by one of the most fascinating thinkers in the history of Marxism,The Antonio Gramsci Readerfills the need for a broad and general introduction to this major figure. Antonio Gramsci was one of the most important theorists of class, culture, and the state since Karl Marx. His influence has penetrated beyond the left and his stature has so increased that every serious student of Marxism, political theory or modern Italian history must now read him. Imprisoned by the Fascists for much of his adult life, Gramsci wrote brilliantly on a broad range of subjects: from folklore to philosophy, popular culture to political strategy. Still the most comprehensive collection of Gramsci’s writings available in English,The Antonio Gramsci Readernow features a new introduction by leading Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm, in addition to a biographical introduction, informative introductions to each section, and a glossary of key terms. David Forgacsis co-editor ofAntonio Gramsci: Selections from Cultural Writingsand editor ofRethinking Italian Fascism. He is a professor in the department of Italian, University College, University of London.