Aakar Books 2015
Language: English
482 Pages
Price INR 550.0 Price USD 27.5
This complete edition contains all the three volumes. Volume One- (MATERIALISM AND THE DIALECTICAL METHOD)intended for the general reader who wants to know what Dialectical Materialism means in theory and practice. The ideas underlying Marxist philosophy are explained in non-technical language and their application is shown in a number of examples. Volume Two- (HISTORICAL MATERIALISM)is on Marxist philosophy, defines the principal concepts in terms of which Marxism understands social development – the mode of production, exploitation, classes, social-economic formations; summarises the basic law of development of society discovered by Marx; and deals with the evolution of the social “superstructure” on the economic basis. Lastly, it outlines the Marxist theory of Socialism and Communism. Volume Three- (THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE)outlines the Marxist approach to some of the fundamental questions of philosophy – the relation of matter and mind, language and thought, ideas and reality, and necessity and freedom.