from the editors

  1. बुद्धि और भावनाओं का मेल – पब्लिशिंग नेक्स्ट 2019

    बुद्धि और भावनाओं का मेल – पब्लिशिंग नेक्स्ट 2019

    मैं पहली बार गोवा गई और मौक़ा था – पब्लिशिंग नेक्स्ट 2019 का। किताबों की दुनिया से वाक़िफ़ तो थी पर किताब बनाने वालों, उन्हें गढ़ने वालों को एक साथ और इतने करीब से देखने का ये पहला मौक़ा था। अलग-अलग सेश[...]
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  2. I visited Goa and did not party

    I visited Goa and did not party

    I visited Goa and did not party. While one could agree with those who might feel sorry for me, the conference-cum-workshop I went there to attend was worth it. The world of independent publishing can appear to be a small one. The word ‘cozy’ came up several times to describe the conference. Most people who’re in it know each other. The ones who didn’t, do now. Far from making them homogeneous, however, it makes them a unified group of diverse individuals. What makes them unified? This[...]
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