Monthly Archives: June 2023

  1. Declaration of Solidarity with Walid Daqqah from The International Union of Left Publishers

    Declaration of Solidarity with Walid Daqqah from The International Union of Left Publishers

    We, the International Union of Left Publishers (IULP), call on all publishers, writers, artists, intellectuals, and people of conscience to demand the immediate release of the revolutionary writer and thinker Walid Daqqah from the jails of the Israeli Occupation. Walid Daqqah has been imprisoned since age 25 for his resistance to the Israeli Occupation and his defence of the Palestinian people. Now 61, he has endured this unjust imprisonment for 37 years. His medical condition is rapidly dete[...]
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  2. Statement of Solidarity with Cuban poet  Nancy Morejón from The International Union of Left Publishers

    Statement of Solidarity with Cuban poet Nancy Morejón from The International Union of Left Publishers

    Nancy Morejón is an internationally recognized poet, translator, and academic. (Photo: T. Charles Erickson) We, the International Union of Left Publishers (IULP), denounce the decision of the organizers of the Paris Poetry Market (Marché de la Poésie) to withdraw the status of honorary president from Cuban poet, essayist, and intellectual Nancy Morejón, who is considered to be one of the most significant voices in contemporary Cuban literature. Winner of the island's National Culture Pri[...]
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