Monthly Archives: October 2018

  1. 'Our Renaissance leaders taught us that some customs are meant to be broken'

    'Our Renaissance leaders taught us that some customs are meant to be broken'

    The RSS feed on fear. Fighting them requires depriving them of it. Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of Kerela, was born in Kannur, ground zero of RSS terror. He has seen the worst that they have to offer. At LeftWord Books, we published a collection of Pinarayi Vijayan's speeches, 'India vs. RSS'. Kerala has been a land of socio-political movements. The secular fabric of the society stands on the history of hard-fought victories at the back of long struggles. This week saw the brutal nature of [...]
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  2. Facts of a ‘dirty war’: An excerpt from 'The Dirty War in Kashmir'

    Facts of a ‘dirty war’: An excerpt from 'The Dirty War in Kashmir'

    This is an excerpt from our new Shujaat Bukhari book  The Dirty War in Kashmir: Frontline Reports. Shujaat Bukhari was one of the most vital, balanced and well-informed voices in Kashmir. Perhaps for this reason, the 50-year-old journalist was shot dead by motorcycle-borne gunmen in Srinagar on the evening of June 14, 2018, as he was leaving the office of Rising Kashmir. This excerpt is from his Frontline report "Facts of a 'dirty war'" published on July 07, 2017 where he statistically anal[...]
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