Greg Albo

Greg Albo
Greg Albo teaches political economy at the Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently co-editor of the Socialist Register. He is also on the editorial boards of Studies in Political Economy, Relay, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Canadian Dimension, The Bullet and Historical Materialism (England). Co-editor of A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration and author of numerous articles in journals such as Studies in Political Economy, Socialist Register, Canadian Dimension, and Monthly Review.
- Registering ClassINR 495
The 50th volume of the Socialist Register is dedicated to the theme of 'registering class' in the light of the spread and deepening of capitalist social relations around the globe. Today's economic...
- The Politics of the RightINR 495
Today the left faces new challenges from political forces amassing on the radical right. The 52nd volume of the Socialist Register presents a serious calibration and a careful political mapping of ...
- Rethinking DemocracyINR 550
The antagonism between liberalism and democratic processes is increasingly visible amidst the contradictions of capitalist globalization today. This is seen in authoritarian measures being adopted ...
- New Polarizations and Old ContradictionsINR 695
The 58th annual volume of the Socialist Register takes up the challenge of exploring how the new polarizations relate to the contradictions that underlie them and how...
- Capital and PoliticsINR 795
The 59th annual volume of the Socialist Register offers a careful political assessment of the organization and practices of the modern corporation ...
- Transforming ClassesINR 495
This 51st annual Socialist Register completes the investigation of class formation and class strategies on a global scale begun with last year's volume. Deploying an understanding of class as an hi...
- In and Out of CrisisINR 250
In this groundbreaking study of the financial meltdown, renowned radical political economists lay bare the roots of the crisis in the inner logic of capitalism itself. Objective and detailed, this ...
- Rethinking RevolutionINR 550
This volume of Socialist Register considers trajectories of radical politics in various regions in the face of neoliberal austerity and capitalist crises. It examines the processes at work in the r...

Teo Ballve
TEO BALLVÉ is a North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) editor.

Mark Juergensmeyer
Mark Juergensmeyer is director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies and professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Kishore Mohan
Ariel Salleh
Ariel Salleh is an Australian scholar-activist, author of Ecofeminism as Politics and editor of Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice.

Ajita Chakraborty
Born in 1926, Ajita Chakraborty specialized in psychiatry, retiring as professor of the Department of Neurology and later director of the Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (

Shobha Shinde
Shobha Shinde is a Professor of English at the School of Language Studies & Research Centre, North Maharashtra University. She is the author of The Poetry of Adrienne Rich and Margaret Atwood:

Sucheta Majumdar
Kanwal Dhaliwal
Kanwal Dhaliwal is a painter, sculptor, author, and translator. He did his B.F.A. in Painting (1984) from Government College of Arts, Chandigarh, and an M.A. in Art in Architecture (2002) from the