Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke

Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
MAUDE BARLOW and TONY CLARKE are long-term activists on trade and justice issues whose campaigning lives have intertwined for many years. With their working lives closely connected for many years, Barlow and Clarke are now recognized as two of the most respected citizen leaders in Canada and in the global justice movement generally. Both have been featured speakers at the World Social Forums in Porto Alegre and Mumbai.

Farah Naqvi
An alumnus of Columbia University, Farah Naqvi is a feminist, activist and writer. Her work for nearly three decades – from villages to public policy spaces – has focused on justice, de

Nalini Rajan
Nalini Rajan in Dean of Studies at Asian College of Journalism, Chennai.

Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar
is a medical officer with the government of Jharkhand. His stories and articles have been published in Indian Literature, The Statesman, The Asian Age, Good Housekeeping, N

Sraboni Munshi
Arun Sagar
Arun Sagar’s first book of poems, Anamnesia, was published in 2013 by Poetrywala. His work has appeared in numerous literary journals from India and abroad, and he was formerly poetry editor at The
Lisa S. Price
Lisa S. Price, formerly an instructor of Women's Studies at Simon Fraser University, is an independent researcher, writer and activist based in Canada.

Robert Biel
Robert Biel, Ph.D. (1991) International Relations, London School of Economics, teaches political ecology at University College, London and has published extensively, including The New Imperialism (