Rethinking Revolution

Socialist Register 2017

Greg Albo, Leo Panitch


LeftWord Books, 2017

Price INR 550.00
Book Club Price INR 385.00
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This volume of Socialist Register considers trajectories of radical politics in various regions in the face of neoliberal austerity and capitalist crises. It examines the processes at work in the remaking of the socialist movement today, and what they entail for reviving the prospects for revolutionary transformations that would lead to the genuine democratization of state, economy, and society. 

Greg Albo

Greg Albo teaches political economy at the Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently co-editor of the Socialist Register. He is also on the editorial boards of Studies in Political Economy, Relay, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Canadian Dimension, The Bullet and Historical Materialism (England). Co-editor of A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration and author of numerous articles in journals such as Studies in Political Economy, Socialist Register, Canadian Dimension, and Monthly Review.

Leo Panitch

Leo Victor Panitch, (born May 3, 1945, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) is a Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science and Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy at York University. Since 1985, he has served as co-editor of the Socialist Register, which describes itself as "an annual survey of movements and ideas from the standpoint of the independent new left". Panitch himself sees the Register as playing a major role in developing Marxism's conceptual framework for advancing a democratic, co-operative and egalitarian, socialist alternative to capitalist competition, exploitation and insecurity.