Eduardo Galeano
Eduardo Galeano
Eduardo Galeano (3 September 1940 - 13 April 2015) was a Uruguayan journalist, socialist and a prolific writer.
- Open Veins of Latin AmericaINR 500Erudite, angry, sweeping in its scope, Open Veins of Latin America is a powerful survey of a continent ’s under-development and the role of foreign capital and national politics in that process. Ed...
- Days and Nights of Love and WarINR 425
Days and Nights of Love and War is the personal testimony of one of Latin America's foremost contemporary political writers. In this fascinating journal and eloquent history, Eduardo Galea...
L. I. Brezhnev
N/AS. Rosenberg
N/AAsif Farrukhi
Asif Farrukhi is an author, critic and translator, known for his short stories and essays, seven anthologies of short fiction, and two collections of critical essays. He is the editor of Duniyazad,
Sana Das
Sana Das is presently the director of a journalism course in Bangalore called 'Archaeology of the Media' run by Educational Trust, Samvada, and is continuing a Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Tech
Manjari Katju
Manjari Katju teaches political science at the University of Hyderabad.
Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery
Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery are both Professors in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Their recent books include Don't Marry Me to a Plowman: Women's Everyday Lives in R
Gayatri Bhattacharyya
Gayatri Bhattacharyya is a former lecturer in English at the University of Guwahati.