Laura M. Ahearn

Laura M. Ahearn

Babacar Fall
Babacar Fall is Head of the History and Geography Didactic Department, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal.

Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) was President of Venezuela and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. He nationalized key industries, used oil revenues for social programs for the poor, and passed important

Subhadra Sen Gupta
Subhadra Sen Gupta is a writer with over thirty books to her name including A Children's History of India (2015), Let's Go Time Travelling (2012), Hampi: Discover the Splendours of Vijayanagar (201

John Green
John Green is a journalist, and former documentary film-maker and trade union official. He is also the author of the book Ken Sprague, People's Artist, about a modern day Quixotic communist artist.

Priya Dali
Priya Dali is an independent illustrator and graphic designer from Mumbai. Through her art, she engages in conversations about gender, sex, and sexuality. She enjoys using a mix of humour and personal
Emir Sader
Emir Sader is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of São Paolo and Director of the Latin American Social Science Research Council (CLACSO). He is the author of numerous