Paul J. Alpers
Paul J. Alpers
Richard Westra
Richard Westra is Associate Professor at Pukyong National Univeristy, South Korea. He is author of Political Economy and Globalization (London: Routledge, 2009), and has published numerous articles
Ajay Gudavarthy
Ajay Gudavarthy is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Political Studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Ajay Gudavarthy taught earlier as Assistant Professor at the National Law Schoo
Gregory Elliott
Gregory C. Elliott received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in 1977. He is currently professor of Sociology at Brown University. Previously, he was assistant professR. Ramakumar
R. Ramakumar is an economist, with a Ph.D. from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. His areas of work are agricultural economics, agrarian studies and rural development. He is presently Asso
Chris Goertzen
N/AChatura Rao
Chatura Rao is an author and freelance journalist. Her previous books include Amie: the Shawl of Colour and Meanwhile, Upriver.
Saleem Kidwai
Saleem Kidwai is a medieval historian, scholar and translator. He has co-edited Same-sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History, a pioneering work documenting and exploring the indigen