Colin Leys

Colin Leys
Colin Leys (born 4 August 1931) is an emeritus professor of Political Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada and co-editor of Socialist Register along with Leo Panitch.
- Morbid SymptomsINR 350
Health care today is the object of struggle between commercial forces seeking to make it a field of capital accumulation, and popular forces fighting to keep it – or make it –a public service w...
- Coming to Terms with NatureINR 250
Since 1964, The Socialist Register has brought together leading writers on the left to investigate aspects of a common theme. Coming to Terms with Nature: Socialist Register 2007 examines ...
- New Polarizations and Old ContradictionsINR 695
The 58th annual volume of the Socialist Register takes up the challenge of exploring how the new polarizations relate to the contradictions that underlie them and how...
- Telling the TruthINR 250A generalized pathology of chronic mendacity seems to be a structural condition of global capitalism at the beginning of the 21st century. The lies told in Washington and London about the invasion of ...
- Total CapitalismINR 300
Total Capitalism is about the way capitalism has been transformed from an economic system controlled – in some countries, and always with difficulty – by democracy, into a largely uncon...

Periyar Lalai Singh
जन्म 1 सितम्बर, 1911 ई. को गाँव—कठारा, झींझक, जिला—कानपुर, उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ थ

Philip S. Foner
Philip S. Foner was one of the most prominent Marxist historians in the United States. A prolific author and editor, he tirelessly documented the lives of workers, African Americans, and political

Sudheesh Minni
Nicoletta Del Franco
Nicoletta Del Franco is a Researcher at the Global Migration Centre and a development consultant with extensive experience of qualitative research in South Asia.

Guy E Métraux
Ibbar Rabbi
पेशे से पत्रकार रहे इब्बार रब्बी का मूल नाम रवीन्द्र प्रसाद है। खाँसती हुई