Zaheer Baber is Professor of Sociology at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is the author of The Science of Empire: Scientific Knowledge, Civilization and Colonial Rule in India (Albany: State
Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion"; the "play for voices" Under Milk Wood; and st
Ashish Rajadhyaksha is a film scholar, historian and curator working on digital governance issues. He wrote The Last Cultural Mile: An Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India (2011) and edi
Harkishan Singh Surjeet (23 March 1916 - 1 August 2008) was a veteran Communist leader, one of the core that formed the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in 1964 serving as its General Secretary f