Murzban Jal

Murzban Jal
Murzban Jal is Professor at the Centre for Educational Studies, Indian Institute of Education, Pune and author of the Seductions of Karl Marx, Zoroastrianism: From Antiquity to the Modern Period and The New Militants. Jal is both a classical Marxist and as well as a Freudian critical theorist who bases his research on Marx and Freud's theories of alienation in the late capitalist society. Then he combines the Marxist theory of objectification of humanity with Freud's theory of Neurosis and Psychosis. His recent claim is that the old stages theory of Psycho-Analysis where Neurosis and Psychosis are divided into two distinct stages of mental illness is now redundant. Instead, he claims that both Neurosis and Psychosis are integrated as neurosis-psychosis. Combining the understanding of the neurosis-psychosis as the new disorder of contemporary society, he argues for a model of mass politics where the idea of humanity as humanity is kept at the centre of an alternative society where the programme of de-alienating humanity is hurled as a new philosophical and scientific discourse.
- The Legacy of Karl MarxINR 250The question is: Asiatic mode of production or Indian feudalism? Where does India stand in the map of history? What about caste? Did Marx have an answer? It was Theodor Adorno who had talked of the po...
- Rethinking Caste and Resistance in IndiaINR 895
The book Rethinking Caste and Resistance in India is a collection of essays by prominent thinkers on the historist and humanist transcendence of the caste system such...
- Statues of ClayINR 325
When statues are erected, both philosophy and humanity die. Statues signify the death of reason and humanity. Thus when Stalin erected statues of Lenin after mummifyi...
- The Seductions of Karl MarxINR 225
This book is seductive, an exquisitely crafted work, full of theoretical insights. It invites us to have a relook at the meanings of the conceptual baggage of Marxism and their implications for our...
- The New MilitantsINR 195
Murzban Jal is Professor at the Center for Educational Studies, Indian Institute of Education, Pune. Author of the Seductions of Karl Marx and Zoroastrianism - From Antiquity to the Modern Period, ...
- Why We Are Not HindusINR 225
In this book Jal claims that "Hinduism" itself is not something indigenous to India, but a colonial import created by the Western Orientalists and the Indian Brahmanical elites, that the Indian nat...
- What Ails Indian MuslimsINR 895
This volume What Ails Indian Muslims is a volume based on the historicist and humanist understanding of Islam and Muslims in India. It is a collection of scholarly essays penned by the fin...
- Challenges for the Indian LeftINR 895
This volume stems from essays written in the Economic & Political Weekly on the crisis confronting the Left in India along with the challenging of the basic concepts of communist politics ...
- In the Name of MarxINR 250
Jal is a Marxologist who brings in Marx's original ideas of the Asiatic Mode of Production and Multi-linear historicism in the new understanding of Marxism. He is critical of the idea of 'Indian fe...

Penny Johnson
PENNY JOHNSON is an independent researcher who works closely with the Institute of WomenÂ’s Studies at Birzeit University, where she edits the Review of WomenÂ’s Studies. Recent writing and r

Tahira Naqvi
Tahira Naqvi is a translator, writer, and Urdu language lecturer in the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University. She has translated the works of Sa'dat Hasan Manto,

Srinath Raghavan
Srinath Raghavan is Senior Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, and Lecturer in Defence Studies at King's College, London.

Debasree De
Debasree De is Assistant Professor, Department of History, Maharaja Srischandra College, University of Calcutta. She has a PhD in history from Jadavpur University. She has many contributions in journa
Ajaya Kumar Naik
Ajaya Kumar Naik is Associate Fellow, IIDS, New Delhi, and has had more than 10 years of research experience in the fields of informal sector, employment, and poverty.

Prabhat Tripathi
जन्म : चौदह सितंबर 1941, रायगढ़ (म.प्र.) में शिक्षा : एम. ए. (हिंदी) सागर वि. वि. पी-एच.