Overload, Creep, Excess


LeftWord Books, New Delhi, 2023

Language: English

310 pages

5.5 x 8.5 inches

Price $30.00
Book Club Price $27.00
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This book locates India’s flourishing internet within a complex 24-year history that has seen an unprecedented re-organization of social and political life. Three essays provide independent perspectives on a common area of inquiry, an
era that witnessed a fundamental mutation of the State, its mechanisms of planning and governance, the public domain and the everyday, all mediated by digital technology, all impacting its internet. Bringing the essays together is a common timeline, which begins in the late 1970s, includes such landmarks as the Information Technology Act, the
much-discussed Aadhaar biometric identification programme, the chequered career of social media, and the widespread use of internet shutdowns.

Ashish Rajadhyaksha

Ashish Rajadhyaksha is a film scholar, historian and curator working on digital governance issues. He wrote The Last Cultural Mile: An Inquiry into Technology and Governance in India (2011) and edited In the Wake of Aadhaar: The Digital Ecosystem of Governance in India (2013).

Nafis Aziz Hasan

Nafis Aziz Hasan researches the techno-politics of digital media, material politics of public institutions, and technological policies for governance. He is currently at the University of Amsterdam.

Nishant Shah

Nishant Shah works at the intersections of academic research, humanist traditions of story-telling and meaning making, and capacity development for hopeful change practice. He is currently Professor of Global Media at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.