Zillah Eisenstein

Zillah Eisenstein
Zillah Eisenstein has been Professor of Politics at Ithaca College, New York. She is the author of Hatreds: Racialized and Sexualized Conflicts in the 21st Century (1996), Global Obscenities: Patriarchy, Capitalism and the Lure of Cyberfantasy (1998) and ManMade Breast Cancers (2001).
- Abolitionist Socialist FeminismINR 395
The world is burning, flooding, and politically exploding, to the point where it’s become abundantly clear that neoliberal feminism—the kind that aims to elect Th...

Asa Briggs
Asa Briggs is the author of many books, including Victorian Cities, A Social History of England, and a five-volume series on the history of the BBC.

Mohini Anjum
Mohini Anjum is the former Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, whose career in teaching and research spanned more than 36 years at Delhi School of Economic

Hoda Barakat
Hoda Barakat, an acclaimed Lebanese novelist, is one of the most original voices in modern Arabic literature. Born in Beirut in 1952, she graduated from Beirut University in 1975 with a degree in F

Ranabir Samaddar
Ranabir Samaddar is a leading social scientist and director of the Calcutta Research Group. He is known for his work on issues of migration, peace and human rights, belongs to the school of cr

Feryal Ali Gauhar
Feryal Ali Gauhar read Political Economy at McGill University. She trained in documentary film production in Europe and at the University of Southern California. Her first novel, The Scent of Wet E