Vivek Mishra
Vivek Mishra
Vivek Mishra is a PhD student at the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs, Northeastern University, Boston. Formerly, he worked at the Centre for Equity Studies and coordinated the India Exclusion Report 2017–18.
Frederic Jameson
N/Awith Sadbhavna Trust
Sadbhavna Trust works on building the strength and capacities of marginalized communities, especially women; helping them 
seek equality through participation in democratic discourse and the
Nicos Trimikliniotis
Nicos Trimikliniotis is a Cypriot sociologist and lawyer, associated with the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and co-leads a programme on Reconciliation on the island of Cyprus.
Sukomal Sen
Sukomal Sen (14 June 1934 – 22 November 2017) was the author of Working Class of India, the history of its emergence and rise, and also the famous work, International Working Class Movement, an
Vivekanand Jha
The late Vivekanand Jha was Director, Indian Council of Historical Research, and editor of the Indian Historical Review (20 vols, 1974-94), making it India's most substantive historical journal. He
Allan Engler
Allan Engler is a Canadian activist and writer.
Rana P. Behal
Rana P. Behal taught history at Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi. He has also held teaching assignments at Cornell University, Syracuse University and Oberlin College. He was a fellow at Neh