V.I. Lenin

V.I. Lenin
V.I. Lenin (1870-1924) was the preeminent leader of the Russian Revolution, and a Marxist theoretician. His important books include, among many others, What is to be Done, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism and The State and Revolution.
- Lenin Selected Writings$25'Struggling uncompromisingly with the reformists and all kinds of distortionists of Marxism, Lenin brought scientific socialism to a new stage. He enriched Marxism, the great ideological weapon of the...
- Paris Commune 150$6
On 18 March 1871, the people of Paris opened the door to utopia. Over 72 days, the workers built new institutions and advanced the practice of democracy. The forces of counter-revolution regrouped,...
- Paris Commune 150$9
On 18 March 1871, the people of Paris opened the door to utopia. Over 72 days, the workers built new institutions and advanced the practice of democracy. The forces of counter-revolution regrouped,...
- Philosophical Notebooks$50
The span of the Philosophical Notebooks is from 1895-1911. Russia already had a Revolution in 1905. These Notebooks show many a revolutions had taken place in the hea...
- What is to be Done?$20
‘Without a revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.’ — Lenin
V.I. Lenin (1870–1924) took forward Marxist theory and practice in critical areas. Imperialism,...
- Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism$15
Lenin's Imperialism is one of the most significant books of the twentieth century. Its significance arises not so much from the data it provides; nor does it arise from the sheer fact that it expla...
- Revolution!$18
V.I. Lenin's (1870-1924) role in 1917 captures a unique revolutionary moment. Lenin's entire corpus of writings in the eight months between the two revolutions offers a concrete lesson on the theor...

Niharika Popli
Alladi Uma
Nike Wagner
Nicole Aschoff
Nicole Aschoff is the author of The New Prophets of Capital and an editor at Jacobin magazine. Her work has appeared in numerous outlets including The Guardian, The Nation, Al Jazeera, and Dissent

Shubhra Chakrabarti
Shubhra Chakrabarti teaches history at Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi. She completed her doctoral research under the guidance of B.B. Chaudhuri on "Indigenous Enterprise in Eastern India:

Richard Allen