Suman Rimal Gautam
Suman Rimal Gautam
Suman Rimal Gautam is a water resources specialist at an international development consulting firm based in Washington, DC.
Iffat Fatima
Iffat Fatima is an independent filmmaker from Kashmir, based in Delhi. Her films include Lanka: the other side of war and peace, The Kesar Saga, In the Realm of the Visual and Boojh Sakey to Boojh.
Vibhavari Shirurkar
Malatibai Bedekar, who used the pen name Vibhavari Shirurkar, was born Balutai Anant Khare in 1905. She graduated from Karve University (now S.N.D.T.) at seventeen and later undertook scholarly res
Bernard D'Mello
Bernard D'Mello is a senior journalist with the Economic & Political Weekly and a civil rights activist with the Committee for the Protection of Democratic Rights, Mumbai.Ravindra Kalia
हिंदी साहित्य में रवींद्र कालिया की ख्याति उपन्यासकार, कहानीकार और संस्मर
Akshaya Mukul
Akshaya Mukul is the author of Gita Press and the Making of Hindu India (2015), which won every major non-fiction award in India on its release, including the Crossword Book Award, Ramnat
Ian Shapiro
Ian Shapiro is William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science at Yale University.
Over the past twenty-five years, GRAIN, an international NGO has worked with social movements and organizations around the world to defend local food systems and cultures from the advance of indust