Edward Aveling

Edward Aveling
- The Student's MarxINR 200
The present work is an attempt to do for part of the writings of Karl Marx which , in the Students Darwin , I tried to do for the whole of the writings of Charles Dar...

Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez is an activist, writer and musician based in London. He runs the political history blog Invent the Future. His major interests are the history of 'actually existing socialism' and s

Ian Angus
Ian Angus is editor of the online ecosocialist journal Climate and Capitalism, and co-author of the Belem Ecosocialist Declaration. His previous books include Two many People? Population, Immigrati

Abha Sur
Abha Sur teaches in the MIT Program in Women's & Gender Studies in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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Anand Teltumbde
Anand Teltumbde is a civil rights activist, political analyst, columnist and author of many books. He has had a long association with peoples’ struggles, spanning over three decades. Trained in t