Ranjani Murali
Ranjani Murali
Ranjani Murali is a Chicago-based writer and artist. She received her MFA in poetry from George Mason University in 2010. She currently teaches undergraduate literature and writing courses. She was the recipient of the Kay Evans Poetry Fellowship from the Vermont Studio Center and the Fine Arts Work Center's Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation Scholarship in Nonfiction. Ranjani won the Srinivas Rayaprol Poetry Prize in 2014. Her second book of poems won The (Great) Indian Poetry Collective's Editor's Choice Award in 2016 and is forthcoming.
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Ranjani Murali's lines are usually triggered by immediate experience or by an experience intentionally recollected to stress its immediacy: what actually happened, what body and mind experienced at...
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Friedrich Max Muller (1823-1900), more commonly known as Max Muller, was a German philologist, Sanskrit scholar, and an orientalist, who lived and studied in Britain for most of his life. He&n