Raj Kumar
Raj Kumar
Chaman Lal
Chaman Lal is India's leading authority on Bhagat Singh. He retired as a professor of Hindi translation from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Mike Wayne
Mike Wayne is Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies at Brunel University and is the editor of Dissident Voices: The Politics of Television and Cultural Change and the author of Political F
Marion Molteno
Marion Molteno (born 1944) is a novelist and writer based in London.
Firdous Azim
Firdous Azim is Professor of English at BRAC University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She has published widely on literary, cultural and women's issues, both inside and outside the country, including The ColoP. Sainath
Palagummi Sainath (born 1957), one of India’s best-known journalists, is the founding editor of People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI). He was The Hindu’s Rural Affairs Editor til
Kamal Nayan Kabra
Kamal Nayan Kabra (1941) Professor of Economics (1980-2003), Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi and Malcolm S. Adiseshiah Chair Professor (2010-17), Institute of Social Sciences