Paddy Whannel
Paddy Whannel
Jeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook is a researcher, journalist and writer. His recent books include Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain and People Without History: India’s Muslim Ghettos (Navayana).
A.G. Noorani
A. G. Noorani is a lawyer, historian and author. He has practised as an advocate in the Supreme Court of India and in the Bombay High Court. He is one of the few remaining experts on
Gary M. English
Gary M. English is distinguished professor of drama at the University of Connecticut. He has served as Artistic Director of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Camp and taught at Al-Quds/Bard College in AbuBelinder Dhanoa
Belinder Dhanoa is a writer and artist. She teaches creative writing at the School of Culture and Creative Expression at Ambedkar University, Delhi.
Jarek Kupsc
N/AUtpal K. Banerjee
Utpal K. Banerjee is an Indian writer, adviser on management and information technology and a former director of the New Delhi–based Forum for Information Technology for India.Nazeef Mollah
Nazeef Mollah is Editor, LeftWord Books.Mytheli Sreenivas
Mytheli Sreenivas is Associate Professor of History and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the Ohio State University. Her research interests include women’s history, the history of sexua