Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
MAUDE BARLOW and TONY CLARKE are long-term activists on trade and justice issues whose campaigning lives have intertwined for many years. With their working lives closely connected for many years, Barlow and Clarke are now recognized as two of the most respected citizen leaders in Canada and in the global justice movement generally. Both have been featured speakers at the World Social Forums in Porto Alegre and Mumbai.
Akshay Madan
alkdnfklasdf asdfasdfShahrnush Parisipur
SHAHRNUSH PARSIPUR, born in Iran in 1946, began her career as a fiction writer and a producer at Iranian National Television and Radio. Shortly after the publication of Women Without Men in 1989, P
William Dalrymple
William Dalrymple was born in Scotland. His first book, In Xanadu, written when he was twenty-two, was shortlisted for the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize. In 1989, he moved to Delhi where he li
Mahdi Amel
Mahdi Amel (1936–1987; given name Hassan Hamdan) was a professor at the Lebanese University and a central committee member of Lebanon’s Communist Party (LCP). He was a prominent theoretician of
Simone Ahuja
N/AJoel G. Lee
Joel G. Lee is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, United States.