Lal Khan

Lal Khan
Lal Khan was born at Bhuan, Pakistan in 1956. He joined Nishtar Medical College, Multan in 1975 where he was elected General Secretary of the student union, against the forces of reactionary Islamic fundamentalists in 1978. He was arrested and tortured in 1979 under Zia-ul-Haq military dictatorship for leading a students' agitation against the despotic regime. Here again due to his revolutionary struggle against the regime he was ordered to be shot at sight by the military command council on 10th May 1980. He was severely injured but managed to flee the country and reached Amsterdam, Holland. He was one of the founders of the paper Class Struggle and has since 1987 been political editor of the Class Struggle (Urdu) and editor of the Asian Marxist Review.
- Crisis in the Indian SubcontinentINR 495
The Author has produced an enthralling account of the events leading up to and following the Act of partition. He skilfully uses extracts from great writers's works, news articles, personal account...

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