Gauri Deshpande
Gauri Deshpande
GAURI DESHPANDE, (1942-2003) bilingual poet, essayist and short story writer in Marathi and English, has been published extensively in both languages. As a translator par excellence, her most outstanding work is the translation into Marathi of the 16-volume The Arabian Nights by Sir Richard Burton. She has also published several collections of poetry.
- DeliveranceINR 225
Deliverance, first published in Marathi as Nirgathi, is a strikingly unusual novel, a powerful story about the turbulent relationships within a family that chafes at being bound together by intense...
Perry Anderson
Perry R. Anderson (born September 1938) is a British historian and political essayist. A specialist in intellectual history, he is often identified with the post-1956 Western Marxism of the New Lef
Ted Allan
Ted Allan (1916-1976) was a journalist, playwright, novelist and screenwriter. He covered the Spanish Civil War for the Federated Press and joined Dr. Noram Bethune and his staff in Madrid. During
C.K. Johri
C.K. Johri is an economist, educated at the Universities of Allahabad and Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan). He spent the longest span of work at the Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations & Hum
Derek Boothman
Derek Boothman is an Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting, University of Bologna.
Gulzar, is a poet above all things. His style marks a sensitivity that is best reflected in his writing and treatment of films. He is one of those sensitive people whose work is laced with the lyri
Satarupa Chakraborty
Satarupa Chakraborty is a researcher at Tricontinental Research. She is also a PhD candidate in the Center for Philosophy at JNU. Satarupa is currently a member of the state committee of All India
Mathangi Subramanian
Mathangi Subramanian is a writer, educator, and activist who believes that stories have the power to change the world. A former American public school teacher, assistant vice president at Sesame Wo