Jean Comaroff
Jean Comaroff
Jan Breman has conducted anthropological fieldwork in Gujarat between 1962 and 2015. His empirical research, focused on the bottom segments of the rural and urban workforce, discusses the changing
Samir Kumar Das
Samir Kumar Das is Professor of Political Science and currently the Dean, Faculty of Arts at the University of Calcutta, Kolkata. Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of North Bengal, he is a
Allen Hibbard
Allen Hibbard is Professor and Director, Middle East Center, at Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee, USA.Ita Mehrotra
Ita Mehrotra is a comics maker and researcher based out of New Delhi. Her non-fiction comics have previously been published by Zubaan Books,, Yoda Press, AdAstra Comics,, Goet
Indranil is a health economist and activist trained in Economics and Public Health. He is associated with the Jan Swasthya Abhiyan. He also teaches Public Health and Development Economics in OP Ji
G. Arunima
G. Arunima teaches at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and has researched and published on, both, historical and modern contexts in India, with a focus on cultural, vi
Ramnik Mohan
अंग्रेज़ी के भूतपूर्व असोशियेट प्रोफ़ेसर, रमणीक मोहन स्वतन्त्र अनुवादक ह