Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto (1912-1955) was among the greatest short story writers of the Indian subcontinent. He also wrote plays, and worked in the Bombay film industry as a writer before migrating to Pakistan after the Partition.
- मंटो दस्तावेज़: खंड 1-5INR 3,000
समय के साथ कितनी ही हक़ीक़तें फ़रेब बन जाती हैं और कितने ही ख़्व...
- The Armchair Revolutionary and Other SketchesINR 325
Manto wrote these words in the preface to Ganje Farishte, a collection of his sketches. They give us a sense of what to expect from him: the 'unvarnished' truth as seen through his unforgi...
Balaraba Ramat Yakubu
Balaraba Ramat Yakubu published her first novel in 1987, and has been one of the bestselling Hausa authors ever since. She has also written, directed, and produced a number of films for Kannywood, theRoger Jeffery
Ali Raza is Associate Professor of History at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). He works on the social, intellectual and anti-colonial history of modern South Asia. He has publis
John Gillott
John Gillott has a degree in applied mathematics. He works at the Genetic Interest Group, London.
Bertram Schefold
N/AValerian Rodrigues
Valerian Rodrigues, the editor of the volume, is currently Ambedkar Chair, Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD). His recent books include The Essential Writings of B. R. Ambedkar (2002), The Indian Parl