Saadat Hasan Manto

Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto (1912-1955) was among the greatest short story writers of the Indian subcontinent. He also wrote plays, and worked in the Bombay film industry as a writer before migrating to Pakistan after the Partition.
- मंटो दस्तावेज़: खंड 1-5INR 3,000
समय के साथ कितनी ही हक़ीक़तें फ़रेब बन जाती हैं और कितने ही ख़्व...
- The Armchair Revolutionary and Other SketchesINR 325
Manto wrote these words in the preface to Ganje Farishte, a collection of his sketches. They give us a sense of what to expect from him: the 'unvarnished' truth as seen through his unforgi...

Taimoor Shahid
Taimoor Shahid is a doctoral student in the department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. He is also a translator of Urdu works in English.

Chris Goertzen
Kumari Jayawardena
Kumari Jayawardena is a leading feminist activist and academic in Sri Lanka. She is the author of The Rise of the Labour Movement in Ceylon; Ethnic and Class Conflict in Sri Lanka; Feminism and Nat

Sara Pilot
Sara Pilot is the Chairperson and co-founder of Center for Equality and Inclusion (CEQUIN).

Omar Barghouti
Omar Barghouti is an independent Palestinian commentator and human rights activist. He is a founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and t

Ranjan Padhi
Ranjana Padhi is a feminist activist and writer currently based in Bhubaneswar. She has authored Those Who Did Not Die: Impact of the Agrarian Crisis on Women in Punjab (2012).