Hilary Wainwright
Hilary Wainwright
- Beyond the FragmentsINR 425Inspired by the activism of the 1970s that surrounded the triumph of the right under Margaret Thatcher in U.K., Beyond the Fragments was written to create stronger bonds of solidarity in a new left mo...
Debjani Ganguly
Debjani Ganguly is Head of the Humanities Research Centre in the Research School of Humanities at the Australian National University. A literary and cultural historian, she has published in the are
M.A. Rasul
Mohammed Abdullah Rasul was a peasant leader and member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).
Pamela Philipose
Pamela Philipose is a senior, award-winning journalist who has worked in mainstream newspapers like The Times of India and The Indian Express. She is presently Director and Editor-in-Chief, Women&r
Ravindra Kalia
हिंदी साहित्य में रवींद्र कालिया की ख्याति उपन्यासकार, कहानीकार और संस्मर
Sara Pilot
Sara Pilot is the Chairperson and co-founder of Center for Equality and Inclusion (CEQUIN).
Rashmi Sawhney is associate professor of film and cultural studies at Christ University, Bangalore. She writes on cinema and the visual arts and is co-founder, with Lucia Imaz King, of VisionMix (w
Lynda Nead
Lynda Nead is Pevsner Professor of History of Art, Birkbeck College, University of London.