Ernest Mandel
Ernest Mandel
Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) was Professor at the Free University of Brussels. He has been the foremost Marxist Economist of our time. An activist in the revolutionary movement, he was a leader of the Fourth International since the 1940s.
- Marxist Economic Theory, 2 VolsINR 995
'The best and most comprehensive popularisation of Marx's Economic Theory for more than a generation.'
—Issac Deutscher
Stuart Hall
Stuart Hall (1932–2014) was one of the most prominent and influential scholars and public intellectuals of his generation. Hall appeared widely on British media, taught at the University of BirminghHenri Lefebvre
Henry Lefebvre (1901-1991) was a French Marxist philosopher and sociologist, best known for pioneering the critique of everyday life, for introducing the concepts of the right to the city and the p
R. Azhagarasan
R. Azhagarasan is lecturer in English, University of Madras.
Namita Waikar
Namita Waikar was born in Mumbai in 1961 and studied Biochemistry at the University of Mumbai. She is managing editor of the People’s Archive of Rural India (PARI) where she leads and writes for
A. Mangai
A. Mangai is the pseudonym of Dr. V. Padma, who teaches English at Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been actively engaged in theatre for close to three decades. She writes bilingually in Tami