Aneesh Pradhan

Aneesh Pradhan
- Hindustani Music in Colonial BombayINR 750
This book focuses on Bombay ’s role in modernizing the world of Hindustani music in the colonial era and in moulding the ethos surrounding this musical tradition. Changing patterns of&n...
- Shabd aur SangeetINR 750In India, where oral traditions predate hand scripted manuscripts or printed compilations, poets with vastly varied literary impulses have written poems prescribing musical rendering in specific raags...

Arun Sagar
Arun Sagar’s first book of poems, Anamnesia, was published in 2013 by Poetrywala. His work has appeared in numerous literary journals from India and abroad, and he was formerly poetry editor at The
Farah Naqvi
An alumnus of Columbia University, Farah Naqvi is a feminist, activist and writer. Her work for nearly three decades – from villages to public policy spaces – has focused on justice, de

Deepa Agarwal
Deepa Agarwal is an author, poet and translator. She has written over fifty books, mostly for children, in both English and Hindi.

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and the author of the essay collection My Misspent Youth. She is also the author of Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House and The Quali