Amitav Ghosh
Amitav Ghosh
Amitav Ghosh was born in Calcutta and grew up in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He studied in Delhi, Oxford and Alexandria and is the author of The Circle of Reason, The Shadow Lines, In An Antique Land, Dancing in Cambodia, The Calcutta Chromosome, The Glass Palace, The Hungry Tide, and the first two volumes of The Ibis Trilogy: Sea of Poppies, and River of Smoke.
- Will the Flower Slip Through the AsphaltINR 175
With the earth and its inhabitants under more pressure than ever before, and with bona fide climate change deniers in the most powerful positions on the planet, reading this book is essential. It ...
Rosy Thomas
Rosy Thomas, well-known Malayalam writer and translator, her best-known work – Ivan Ente Priya C J.Her other prominent works include Urangunna Simham (The Sleeping Lion), a memoir of her father,
Tutun Mukherjee
Tutun Mukherjee is Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad, India and has also taught courses at Centre for Women’s Studies and Department of Theatre Arts in the university.
Jasbir Jain
Jasbir Jain (born 1937) is a writer and Honorary Director of the Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, Jaipur. She is the recepient of many awards and fellowships and has authored se