The Emerging Face of Transformative Politics in India

Farmers' Movement

Amit Bhaduri


Aakar Books, New Delhi , 2022

Language: ENGLISH

84 pages

Price INR 225.00
Book Club Price INR 169.00
INR 225.00
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This collection of essays written in campaign mode while the historic farmers agitation was on during 2020-21 presents insights of enduing significance for reshaping our economy, polity, and society. The essays combine the rigour of an economist and the keen observations of an onlooker. 

Amit Bhaduri

Amit Bhaduri is one of the foremost economists of our time. Professor Emeritus at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi and selected in 2002 as one of the 'professor of clear fame' through international selection from all subjects to teach in Pavia University, Italy, he was in March 2016 awarded the Leontief Prize 2016 by Tufts University, USA for 'advancing the frontiers of economic thought'.