The Political Economy of New India

Critical Essays

Raju J Das

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Critical of the economic and political power relations in contemporary India, this book is written from the vantagepoint of the working masses whose basic economic and democratic rights remain unment. Written for a broader audience beyond the academic community, the essays that make up the book provide short critical commentaries on different aspects of Indian society undergoing significant changes in recent times. THe essays are conceptually driven and often include empirical details, but they generally avoid the usual perils of academicism, by expressing complicated ideas in a relatively simple language and by drawing out their practical implications. The book aims to promote a critical imagination and progressive political consciousness among the working people.

Raju J Das

Raju J Das is a Professor at York University, Toronto. His research and teaching interests include theory in political economy and India's economy and politics. His most recent book is Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World. His Critical Reflections on Economy and Politics in India: A Class Theory Perspective will be published in 2020 by Brill.