Stree - Samya

Stree - Samya
Stree and Samya are two imprints of Bhatkal and Sen, a joint partnership of the Bhatkals of Popular Prakashan and Mandira Sen. Founded in 1990, Stree publishes on gender studies, focusing on the status of women in India, in English and in Bengali. It publishes on the workplace, class relations and political subjection, marriage, the family, the impact of religion, culture and ideology. It translates women's writings, fiction and nonfiction, from the Indian languages into English. Samya, founded in 1996, focuses on culture and dissent, which gives priority to the study of caste in a changing society, through scholarly analysis, its place in the creation of knowledge, and the writings of Dalits. In August 2015, two joint imprints, Sage-Stree and Sage-Samya, were begun to take these alternative publishing programmes forward in ways to gain greater access to readership.
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