L.G. Publishers Distributors 2017
Language: English
202 Pages
Price INR 395.0 Price USD 19.75
This collection of about 100 poems by Lal Singh Dil (1943-2007), a Punjabi revolutionary poet, represents a distinctive voice in the Punjabi poetry inspired by the Naxalite (Maoist) movement in the early seventies of the 20thCentury. Belonging to a ‘low caste’ tanner community, Lal Singh Dil grew up facing isolation, indignities and insults heaped upon the ‘low castes’. He joined the Naxalite movement hoping that the revolution would bring about social and economic equality, liberating him, and millions like him, from the curse of social exclusion and economic deprivation. But the revolution never happened, the movement died down, and he lived and died excluded and marginalized. Apart from singing of the revolution, its hopes and defeat, these poems bring out the nothingness of the lives of the low caste landless labourers and daily wagers, and nomads of all varieties.