Bundle on Dialectical Materialism

New Delhi,

Language: English

Price INR 2,000.00
Book Club Price INR 1,500.00

Dialectical Materialism

Volume One is intended for the general reader who wants to know what Dialectical Materialism means in theory and practice. The ideas underlying Marxist philosophy are explained in non-technical language and their application is shown in a number of examples.

Volume Two is on Marxist philosophy. It defines the principal concepts in terms of which Marxism understands social development – the mode of production, exploitation, classes, social-economic formations; summaries the basic law of development of society discovered by Marx; and deals with the evolution of the social 'superstructure' on the economic basis. Lastly, it outlines the Marxist theory of socialism and communism.

Volume Three outlines the Marxist approach to some of the fundamental questions of philosophy – the relation of matter and mind, language and thought, ideas and reality, and necessity and freedom.

Dialectics of Nature

Dialectics of Nature is one of the classics of Marxist liturature. Engels, analysing the advances of science, demonstrates how dialectical materialism, the philosophy of Marxism, corresponds to the very way in which nature unfolds. The revolutionary advances of nineteenth century science, most notably the discovery of the cell, the law of conservation and transformation of energy, and Darwinian evolution, provided the material basis for a dialectical understanding of nature. For Engels, the dialectics of human history grew out of the dialectics of nature. Throughout the work, Engels battles with various unscientific schools of thought prevalent among scientists, especially idealism and vulgar materialism. Dialectics of Nature deals more fully than any other work of Marxism with such problems and categories of dialectics such as causality, chance (freedom) and necessity, relationship of induction and deduction, and many more. Even though unfinished, this outstanding work is amazing for its rich and profound theoretical content. Despite certain aspects being obsolete, notably some factual data and timescales, resulting from the prevailing state of natural science at that time, the general method and conception of the book remain valid today. The book also contains Engels' brilliant essay, The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man, which explains how and by what means our species originated. It has been described by Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin as capturing "the essential feature of human evolution."

Dialectical Logic

This book traces the development of Dialectical Logic within the history of modern western philosophy, culminating in Marx's materialist dialectics. It brings out the essential contours of Logic through a detailed exposition of the ontological and epistemological issues discussed by the classical French and German philosophers.

The Making of the Marxist Philosophy

Part One - From Idealism and Revolutionary Democracy to Dialectical Materialism and Scientific Communism

Part Two - The Foundations of Dialectical and Historical Materialism

The author offers a profound and comprehensive analysis of the development of the philosophical views of Marx and Engels. He traces their progress from idealist and revolutionary-democratic views to a dialectical-materialist and communist world outlook. He also discusses the revolutionary influence that Marxism has had on world philosophy. The book shows the emergence of Marxism as an integral philosophical doctrine whose component parts are organically linked. The author also examines the development of Marxist political economy and scientific communism.

INR 2,000.00
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