On Education: Especially in Early Childhood


Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2017

254 pages

Price INR 295.00
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"If parents desire a good education for yheir children, there will, I am convinced, be no lack of teachers willing and able to give it."

This, Bertrand Russell argues, is possibe with improved involvement of parents on the one hand, and improved system of education on the other.

This well-known treatise provides conclution to universal educational perplexities by taking a fresh look at the aims of education, the kind of individuals, and the kind of community, that is hoped to be produced by education. Russell attaches great importance to modern psychological dicoveries to demonstrate that character is determined by early education.

The book  dicusses intellectual education, its aims, its curriculum, and its possibilities, fromthe first lesson in reading and writing to the end of the university years. The emphasis of the study is to clearly distinguish between education of character and education in knowledge.