The Permanent Revolution

& Results and Prospects

Leon Trotsky


Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2005

265 pages

Price INR 395.00
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The Permanent Revolution & Results and prospects contains Leon Trotsky’s original theory of permanent revolution and its later elucidation. The theory, which can be traced back to Karl Marx, was developed by Trotsky about a century ago. It helped to explain the socialist revolution in the-then backward Russia and enriched the theoretical arsenal of revolutionary Marxism. However it become, during the so-called Stalin Era, an anathema. And its theoretician, Trotsky, the co-leader of the Russian proletariat along with Lenin during the October Revolution and the and the legendary creator of the red Army, was driven away from his own land. He was hounded out from country to country and ultimately brutally assassinated in Mexico in 1940 by a representative of Stalin’s death squads. This new edition of the book published from India,  would be of immense use to activists, researchers and students of this county and abroad. It would fulfil a longstanding demand, created due to the unavailability of the book in this part of the world and a renewed interest, throughout the world, in the legacy of Trotsky, especially since the collapse of ‘actually existing socialism’ in the USSR and Eastern Europe. The utter bankruptcy of the official left has also caused many Marxists to shed Stalinist shibboleths and learn anew the teachings of Leon Trotsky. Of late, a new interest in the legacy of the great revolutionist has been expressed both within the mainstream international left, like Celia Hart of the Cuban Communist Party, and by radicalizing figures like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who agrees that international spread is the key to the survival of the Venezuela Revolution. Chavez explicitly refers to Trotsky in this context.     

Leon Trotsky

Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) was one of the most influential Marxist revolutionaries and thinkers of the twentieth century. A key figure in the October Revolution of 1917 as part of the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, he served in important positions after the formation of the socialist republic and helped lead the Bolsheviks to victory in the Russian Civil War (1918-23).