The Age Of Imperialism

The Economics of U.S. Foreign Policy

Harry Magdoff


Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2010

206 pages

Price INR 325.00
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In the “rediscovery of imperialism,” no work has been more important than that done by Harry Magdoff. When initially published, the articles collected in this book aroused enormous interest in the United States and throughout the world. His research, scrupulously performed and soberly presented, documents the existence of an American empire-somewhat different from those of imperial Britain or imperial Germany in their Pre-World war I heyday, but an empire nonetheless. Harry Magdoff’s careful and lucid analysis, done with a wealth of detail and a trained scholar’s grasp of the relevant economic categories, is the foundation upon which an entire tradition of monthly Review authors and their critiques of imperialism rest.


Harry Magdoff

Harry Magdoff (1913-2006) was an American socialist and influential Marxist economist. He was co-editor, along with Paul Sweezy, of the independent Marxian journal Monthly Review for many years.