On Social Constraints and the Great Longing

An Essay on the Human Condition

Avijit Pathak


Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2014

140 pages

Price INR 295.00
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Universities divide, separate and fragment. Life, however, incorporates everything – poetry and politics, religiosity and economics, reason and intuition. Here is a book that is in tune with the flow of life – not the way universities conduct discrete departments and branches of knowledge. It moves with sociology, political philosophy, literature and spirituality, and undertakes a journey that takes you beyond the narrow boundaries of an academic discipline. Neither fatalistic pessimism, nor shallow optimism; instead, it whispers into the ears of the reader: 'Understand the reality of constraints; yet, dare to celebrate your eternal longing'. No matter whether you are Gandhian or a Marxist, an Ambedkarite or a fan of Tagore, a young student or an old professor – you can't afford to miss the book: its argumentation, its intuitive flash, its refreshingly different mode of communicating the tales of life.

Avijit Pathak

Avijit Pathak is a Professor at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.