History, Society and Land Relations
The present volume puts together his essays spanning six decades, from 1937 to 1996. Included in the volume are classic essays such as ‘The Question of Land Tenure in Malabar ’, ‘A Short History of the Peasant Movement in Kerala ’, ‘Caste Conflict versus Growing Unity of Popular Democratic Forces ’, ‘Marxism, Leninism and Bourgeois Judiciary ’, ‘Adi Shankara and his Philosophy: A Marxist View ’, ‘The Class Character of the Nineteenth Century Renaissance in India ’ and ‘The Marxist Theory of Ground Rent: Relevance to the Study of the Agrarian Question in India ’.

. . . an invaluable guide for anyone who wishes to understand the specific national characteristics of India and work towards a socialist society.
The Book Review
The contents . . . carry the reader through the wide-ranging struggles of ideas that [EMS] waged relentlessly. How correct was Marx's concept of 'the Asiatic mode'? What is right and what is wrong with Stalinism? What did a Marxist see as the Mahatma's greatness? Is religion only the 'opium' of the masses? EMS has his answers, and holds your attention even if you do not agree every time with what he says. Together, they present a rich resource for anyone who wants to understand India's struggle for independence and equitable growth. EMS (1909-1998) represented an era of that struggle.
The Hindu