Walter Raymond Duncan
Walter Raymond Duncan
Samita Sen
Samita Sen is Vice Chancellor, Diamond Harbour Women's University.
Veena Venugopal
Veena Venugopal is a journalist and author based in Delhi.
Carl A. Linden
N/AMadhu Trivedi
Madhu Trivedi teaches history in the School of Open Learning, University of Delhi. She is the author of The Making of the Awadh Culture. She has published several research articles on a variety of
Anoop Babani, Savia Viegas
After more that 2 decades of journalism and academic careers in Mumbai, Anoop Babani and Savia Viegas moved to Goa in 2005. Today both are avid cyclists, besides being active in arts, education, and fMichael A. Lebowitz
Michael A. Lebowitz is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, and the author of The Contradictions of 'Real Socialism', The Socialist Alternative, Beyond C
Radha Chakravarty
Radha Chakravarty teaches literature at Gargi College, University of Delhi. She is the author of Feminism and Contemporary Women Writers: Rethinking Subjectivity. Her books in
Neelam Kumar
Neelam Kumar is a former Scientist, NISTADS, and Professor (Retd.) AcSIR, CSIR. Her other noted work is Women and Science in India, (Ed.), Oxford University Press, 2009.