Usman Jawed Siddiqi

Usman Jawed Siddiqi
Usman Jawed Siddiqi has an MPhil in Sociology from the University of Delhi. He works as a senior researcher at the Centre for Equity Studies and coordinates the India Exclusion Report. He is interested in debates about the nature of capitalist development in India and in exploring alternatives to the same.

Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) was President of Venezuela and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. He nationalized key industries, used oil revenues for social programs for the poor, and passed important

Zubair Meenai
Zubair Meenai is a Professor at the UGC Centre of Advanced Study, Department of Social Work and Director of the Centre for Early Childhood Development & Research, Jamia Millia Islamia.

Alexander Kluge
Alexander Kluge (b. 1932) is one of the major German fiction writers of the late twentieth century and an important social critic. As a filmmaker, he is credited with the launch of the New German Cine
Dibyajyoti Sarma
Sharmila Rege
Sharmila Rege (1954–2013) was a sociologist who headed the Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre, University of Pune. She is the author of Writing C

Paul D'Amato
Paul D'Amato is the managing editor of the International Socialist Review. His writing has appeared in CounterPunch and Socialist Worker. He is an activist based in Chicago, Illinois, United States