Susie Tharu
Susie Tharu
Susie Tharu is a professor in the Department of Cultural Studies, EFL University, and a founder member of Anveshi, Research Centre for Women's Studies, Hyderabad. She is the author of several influential papers on literary and cultural theory and history. She has been active in the Indian women's movement and is a member of the Subaltern Studies Collective. Tharu is co-editor of the two-volume anthology Women Writing in India, as well as No Alphabet in Sight and Steel Nibs are Sprouting.
- Thinking WomenINR 999
This reader attempts to see the workings of gender in day-to-day lives. The selection of material is wide ranging in terms of form and content, including creative wri...
Mervyn Matthews
Chandrakanta is a writer, born in Srinagar, India. She has written many novels and stories in the Hindi language including the epic Katha Satisar, which was awarded the Vyas Samman prize in 2005.
Ravindra Kalia
हिंदी साहित्य में रवींद्र कालिया की ख्याति उपन्यासकार, कहानीकार और संस्मर
Raju J Das
Raju J Das is a Professor at York University, Toronto. His research and teaching interests include theory in political economy and India's economy and politics. His most recent book is Marxist Class TRamakrishna Mukherjee
Ramakrishna Mukherjee (d. 2015) was a scientist and sociologist who had been associated with various institutes in his life including Indian Statistical Institute, Indian Council of Social Science
Ursula Huws
Ursula Huws is Professor of Labour and Globalisation at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, and founder of Analytica Social and Economic Research. She is the author of The Making of a C