Sumangala Damodaran

Sumangala Damodaran
Teacher, singer, activist and writer Sumangala Damodaran is known for her work on the musical tradition of the Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA), an outfit of leftist theatre artistes formed in 1942 that had stalwarts such as Prithviraj Kapoor, Balraj Sahni, Khwaja Ahmad Abbas and Safdar Mir as its members. Sumangala has performed extensively from its documented repertoire. Currently engaged in an international collaborative project researching the relationship between music and migration involving scholars and musicians, and several universities in Asia and Africa, she has recently published The Radical Impulse (Tulika), which unravels the tradition of IPTA music and song. Excerpts from an interview.
- Scripting DefianceINR 1,650
This second volume from the authors of Gauging and Engaging Deviance (along with several others) is positioned between the ideas of deviance and defiance, and attempt...
- Maps of SorrowINR 825
The book takes readers through the polycentric world of the pre-colonial period in AfroAsia, which involved systems, processes and interactions that were interconnect...
- Gauging and Engaging DevianceINR 600Gauging and Engaging Deviance is at once a creative and challenging work. It is not just a critique of the sociological canon, but an imaginative reconstruction that is generous to all nooks and crann...
- The Radical ImpulseINR 950
The period from the mid-1930s to the end of the 1950s in India saw the cultural expression of a wide range of political sentiments and positions around imperialism, fascism, nationalism and social ...

Willa Sibert Cather was an American writer known for her novels of life on the Great Plains, including O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, and My Ántonia.

B.R. Ambedkar
Born into an ‘untouchable’ family, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891-1956) was one of India’s most radical thinkers. A brilliant student, he earned doctorates in economics from both Co

1938, माथेरान, महाराष्ट्र में जन्मे गिरीश कारनाड की मातृभाषा कन्नड़ है। गणित

Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori is important background reading for parents considering Montessori education for their children, as well as for those training to become Montessori teachers. The first woman to win

Milos Samardzija
Shashank Kela
Shashank Kela worked as an activist in a trade union of Adivasi peasants in western Madhya Pradesh between 1994 and 2004. A Rouge and Peasant Slave is his first book.

Samarth is a graphic novelist and researcher. His work borrows directly from the field work he happens to do intentionally or accidentally. Suit is his first graphic novel. Currently he is working